Welcome to the Royal Blueprint! You are going to learn the Royal Legal Solutions framework for how tax, investing, and legal strategies work together.
This diagram is a map for achieving both time and financial freedom. We start at the top and work our way down:
📺Investing Strategies
Initially, we are all focused on revenue generation. However, at a certain point we have plenty of income but 20-30% of it is being siphoned off by the government.
📺Tax Strategies
We start to layer in tax strategies to achieve and maintain tax rates in the 0-10% range. This accelerates your overall cashflow and net worth.
📱ROI Calculator
Download the tax and investment ROI calculator. (click here)
📺Legal Strategies
As you accelerate, it's important to add in fail safe measures that would prevent a catastrophic reset. These are what we
call the 5 Pillars of Asset Protection, which allows you to...
✅ Own assets anonymously so that your wealth isn't on public display
✅ Set up limited liability companies to protect your personal net worth from lawsuits
✅ Minimize your risk profile by separating your business activities from your assets
✅ Hold each asset in isolation so that lawsuits can't spill into your entire portfolio
✅ Use insurance as a last line of defense in case everything goes wrong
🗺️Strategy Blueprints
The section below outlines some of the best strategies we use for different income types.
These blueprints will allow you to jumpstart your tax savings and investment journey. Scroll down the page to learn more about each of the recommended strategies for your profession. Enjoy!
Set up a 501(C)3 Non-Profit Private Foundation and invest in cashflow deals
Find GP investment opportunities in energy, machinery, or RV parks to get bonus depreciation
Invest in Short Term Rentals and use Cost Segregation and the STR Loophole
Set up an S-Corporation and set up a Solo 401(K)
Set up a 501(C)3 Non-Profit Private Foundation and invest in cashflow deals
Invest in Short-Term Rentals or syndication deals offering bonus depreciation
Form a Series LLC or Delaware Statutory Trust (if in CA) to hold your assets
Form an S-Corporation to act as your property management company
Qualify for Real Estate Professional and do Cost Segregation Studies
Invest in cashflow deals, like algorithmic trading.
Create a Private Foundation to shelter up to 30% of your income
Set up an S-Corporation for any side gigs and leverage the Augusta Rule
Use an S-Corporation to expense equipment and pay your kids to work
Set up an Estate Plan and a Private Foundation to create generational wealth
Invest in Short-Term Rentals or syndication deals offering Bonus Depreciation
Roll your money into a syndication offering bonus depreciation to offset your earnings
Invest up to 30% of your income into a Private Foundation
Purchase real estate and do Cost Segregation Studies
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